汤睿,男,昆明理工大学讲师、硕士生导师。硕士及博士毕业于澳门大学计算机专业。发表在国际重要会议及期刊论文26篇,包括多篇中科院1区及2区论文。承担多个SCI期刊审稿人一职,据Google Scholar指数显示,引用次数超过480,H指数9。
(1) 2006-9至2010-7,南昌大学,软件工程学士
(2) 2010-9至2013-5,澳门大学,软件工程硕士
(3) 2013-7至2015-7, 中信银行,市场经理
(4) 2015-12至2019-5, 澳门大学,电脑科学博士
(7) 2019-12至现在, 昆明理工大学,管理与经济学院,讲师
1. 云南省科技厅,基础研究专项,基于混合神经网络的心电信号多标签识别分类算法研究,2021.4至2024.4,在研,主持
1. Tang, R., Yang, J., Fong, S., Wong, R., Vasilakos, A. V., & Chen, Y. (2021). Dynamic group optimization algorithm with a mean-variance search framework. Expert Systems with Applications, 115434.(SCI 1区,1作)
2. Yang, J., Fong, S., Wang, H., Hu, Q., Lin, C., Huang, S.,R.Tang* … & Zhao, Q. (2021). Artificial intelligence in ophthalmopathy and ultra-wide field image: a survey. Expert Systems with Applications, 115068.(SCI 1区,通讯作者)
3. Song, Q., Chen, Y., Zhong, Y., Lan, K., Fong, S., & Tang, R*. (2021). A supply-chain system framework based on internet of things using Blockchain technology. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 21(1), 1-24.(CCF中国计算机协会推荐期刊B类,SCI通讯作者)
4. Tang, R., & Fong, S. (2018). Clustering big IoT data by metaheuristic optimized mini-batch and parallel partition-based DGC in Hadoop. Future Generation Computer Systems, 86, 1395-1412.(SCI 2区,1作)
5. Tang, R., Fong, S., Deb, S., Vasilakos, A. V., & Millham, R. C. (2018). Dynamic group optimisation algorithm for training feed-forward neural networks. Neurocomputing, 314, 1-19.(SCI 2区,1作)
6. Luo, X., Yang, L., Cai, H.,Tang, R*., Chen, Y., & Li, W. (2021). Multi-classification of arrhythmias using a HCRNet on imbalanced ECG datasets. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 208, 106258.(SCI 2区,通讯作者)