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杨烨 硕导

发布时间:2013-04-17    作者:      来源:       浏览次数:    

杨 烨:男、50岁、研究员 ,硕士

现任省政府研究室处长,目前的研究方向为:国民经济计划与管理、区域经济管理,曾参与 “怒江水能资源开发研究”等科研项目。现在研项目为1、中印合作项目“云南省与印度孟加拉邦经济合作研究”,2、省政府发展研究中心“孟中印缅地区经济合作研究”,3、“云南水资源可持续发展战略研究”。近三年发表《砚山县县域经济发展规划研究》、《加快云南北大门建设研究》、《云南建设快乐天堂总体构想》等8篇论文。

Yang Ye,50, male, a master: he is a professor and currently the Director of Research Department of provincial government. Now his research focuses on the national economy plan and management and the regional economy management. His former research involved the projects such as "A research on hydraulic water resource development of Lujiang River ". At present he is participating in the following projects: (1) A research on economic cooperation between Yunnan province and. (2) A research on economic cooperation in the area betweenChina,Bangladesh,IndiaandBurma. (3) A research on the strategy of sustainable development water resources in Yunnan . Over the past three years, he has published 8 papers, including (1) A research on the country-wide economic development and planning of Yanshan county (2) A research on accelerating the construction of the north gateway in Yunnan, and (3) The overall conception on constructing Yunnan as a happy paradise etc.

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